
Customer Testimonials

    "In the short time I had to organise the signs, Carly did a great job listening to my design requirements and tweak my concepts until I was happy with the final proof. The end product was of great quality, reasonably priced and I have received many comments about the Banners/Signs at the Dog Lovers Expo that I attended on the 9th / 10th March at Brisbane Exhibition Centre and on my FB page "Celtic Heart Border Collies". I now have signs I will be able to use at future events and will definitely be back to have more items printed in the future. Many thanks from the Team at "Celtic Heart Border Collies" :)"
    Sonia Smith
    "Friendly and supportive in helping design a sign to meet our needs."
    Marcus Scott
    "Simple to deal with and fast and also right the first time."
    Brodie Murphy
    "Easy to deal with. Quick turn around on work "
    Chris Warne Maroochydore
    "The communication was great from the start, the end result looks amazing and even when we had an issue with something they fixed it straight away 🤗"
    Shay Brown
    "Great quality of materials and fair pricing with friendly staff."
    Dean Smith
    "Service was excellent, Thank you."
    Camerom Gray
    "I found Sign Wave to be very efficient and great to communicate with. The installers were friendly and the signage was installed professionally and efficiently. Certainly recommend them to anyone looking for shop signage."
    Troy Matthews
    "We received outstanding and prompt service for the full range of our signage requirements. Highly recommended."
    Ben Rynderman
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