
Customer Testimonials

    "I like the way SIGNWAVE are committed to customer service and their products are exactly as advertised. They go out of their way to assist, even when you have to split your order. Liz is a fantastic help and always does her job with a smile. They deliver to site or you can collect. I would highly recommend SIGNWAVE and I will be contacting them again for my next project. "
    Dianne Haines Wetherill Park
    "Product Quality was good but Service was better."
    Simon Smith Silverwater
    "Got is done on time and to specification very happy"
    Leonie Carpenter Rydalmere
    "Great job and friendly service Emma was great to do with"
    Leba North Rocks
    "service is good and fast"
    Fidela Aoay Parramatta
    "East to deal with, prompt delivery of product, very professional"
    Lorriane . Shell Cove
    "All the staff at Signwave are a pleasure to deal with! Gold stars all round!!!"
    Danielle O'Brien Parramatta
    "Quick turn around, friendly services. Liz does a great job."
    Aine Love Sydney
    "Excellent service - friendly staff - GREAT CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE"
    Camille Alexander GLENORIE
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